Hinckley BID Loyalty Card image

Latest Loyalty Card Offers!

Save money and help support local businesses with the Hinckley BID Loyalty Card.

The Fragrance Shop offer promotional graphic

10% Off All Purchases!

The Fragrance Shop

Reflexology for Life offer promotional graphic

Reflexology Therapy - Discount 10%

Reflexology for Life

Clarks company logo

Up to 20% discount on full price purchases at Clarks Shoes


Work-Link Project offer promotional graphic

10% Discount off all large items over £15

Work-Link Project

Goldust Jewellers offer promotional graphic

10% Discount on all stock

Goldust Jewellers

Papa John's Pizza offer promotional graphic

Papa John's - Buy One Get One Free - Collection Only (on Medium, Large or Extra Large Pizzas)

Papa John's Pizza

Johnsons & The Lingerie Company offer promotional graphic

10% OFF to Loyalty Card holders on Summer Clothing

Johnsons & The Lingerie Company

Hear4U company logo

5% off any Hearing Aid purchased by a Hinckley Loyalty Card holder


Brookstone Creative offer promotional graphic

FREE Website Appraisal

Brookstone Creative

Art Studio and Ten2 Gallery company logo

Art Studio - amazing offer on watercolour sets and pads

Art Studio and Ten2 Gallery

LDJ Solicitors company logo

LDJ Solicitors - Special Offer

LDJ Solicitors

Blooming Lovely of Hinckley offer promotional graphic

Blooming Lovely - 10% off all orders over £25.00

Blooming Lovely of Hinckley

Swagbox - The Gift Shop company logo

SWAG BOX- Fragrance of the Month & Reward Scheme

Swagbox - The Gift Shop

Picker Elliott offer promotional graphic

Picker Elliott - 5% discount

Picker Elliott

Hinckley and District Museum offer promotional graphic

Free Entry for up to 3 children!

Hinckley and District Museum

Hinckley Framers offer promotional graphic

10% off all artwork

Hinckley Framers

Tom Payne Goldsmiths offer promotional graphic

25% off a large range of Tissot watches

Tom Payne Goldsmiths

Martin & Co company logo

Martin & Co - 25% discount off fees for tenants and landlords

Martin & Co

Apollo Carpets company logo

Apollo Carpets - 5% Discount for over 50’s

Apollo Carpets

Burbage Hire Centre offer promotional graphic

Burbage Hire Centre - 10% off your first hire Charges

Burbage Hire Centre

Hinckley BID logo

Copyshop - Business Stationery Pack £50 - 100 Business cards, 100 Compliment slips, 100 Letter Heads

Copyshop & Business Bureau

Specsavers offer promotional graphic



Medipod Clinics offer promotional graphic

Medipod - 10% off your first podiatry treatment.

Medipod Clinics

Philip James Menswear company logo

Philip James Menswear - FREE pair of H. J. Hall sox with every pair of trousers purchased

Philip James Menswear

A graphic vieew of the Hinckley BID loyalty card design

Benefit from these savings and more. Apply for your free Hinckley BID Loyalty Card today!

The free Hinckley BID Loyalty Card provides big savings at local shops and venues. There are currently 60 SPECIAL OFFERS at shops and businesses across Hinckley. To redeem offers, all you need to do is visit the participating venues and show them your Hinckley Loyalty Card when you purchase.