Swagbox - The Gift Shop

A photograph of Swagbox - The Gift Shop in Hinckley

Shop Local at Swagbox - The Gift Shop

Swagbox - The Gift Shop would like to promote the following services to help your shopping experience. We are grateful for your custom and thank you for choosing to ‘Love Local – Shop Hinckley’.

About Swagbox - The Gift Shop

If you enjoy a memorable shopping experience and love all things pretty, then Swagbox is the place to visit. Spread over two floors of our quaint 300 year old cottage, you will discover a treasure trove of unusual home accessories and unique gifts.

Delight your senses with gorgeous home fragrances, soaps and bath bombs, all beautifully displayed with pretty fashion accessories and gifts for your home. On the second floor you will find a fabulous range of cards and occasion gifts for birthdays, weddings, anniversaries and new babies. There is even a vintage room full of old toys, quirky collectibles and stylish clothing!

Find us at the top end of Hinckley’s old town centre, we are the first shop on New Buildings, just around the corner of Castle Street.

SWAG BOX- Fragrance of the Month & Reward Scheme

Offer 1 - Yankee Candle fragrance of the Month. Each month we will recommend two new fragranced yankee candles both of which will be discounted by 25%.

Offer 2 - Each time you spend in our store we will record your purchase and once you have spent £100 or over we will give you a £15 voucher to spend on anything in store.

Loyalty Card Offers from Swagbox - The Gift Shop

The free Hinckley BID Loyalty Card provides big savings at local shops and venues, including those shown here. To redeem these offers, all you need to do is visit Swagbox - The Gift Shop and show them your Hinckley Loyalty Card when you make your purchase.

Apply for your Free Card
A graphic vieew of the Hinckley BID loyalty card design